The Mystery Games
If we knew how things would end
Where our journey would take us..
Would we still make the same decisions?
Or would we choose a different path?
Does it matter which path we choose
If we end up.. Facing ourselves again and again?
Life is a mystery and life is a game.
You only have one life, so better play it well.
Talent & Happiness Videos
Your own story in music and images and…. mystery.
No need to read, to study, only listening and watching.
All 12 songs have special HZ, and your personal DNA.
It’s a road to healing and happiness so why not integrating them into a fun aspect of life. Music and Film.
This hypnotizing and meditative music and imaging will help you finding your road to happiness by finding your talents and the most important in life: I am what I am.
A Special Custom Made Video Incl. 3 sessions of personal inspirational coaching cost you only: € 369,20.
Yes, I want to have my own video and discover myself and my hidden talents.
Very proud on my second album
The Album The Mystery Games part 1
I made a new album with 4 first songs of the Mystery Games. 8 more to come in 2021.
The videos’ with these songs and the music are my own reflection of my life in the past in the present and future.
You can find the album on:
the third one:
or on
Amazon, Youtube, Shazam and many more.