Angelique Broers

“I want to inspire you by paving the path for you”

The Path to Freedom !
Freedom means for me knowing who I am and what I am. It’s like Coming Home.
I am authentic with its own beauty. And this is what I am right now. Angelique Broers, the composer, the writer, the creative performer, the artist, the epicurean, the wild one, the sensitive one.
Life is a mystery and life is a game. It is truly wonderful when you know how to play it. I still learn new things. You are never too old to learn, and everyone is different and authentic, with their own specialities, qualities, talents, strengths and beauty and….I would like you to be conscious about that.
Realize that you are a unique being and that you simply cannot compare yourself with others. You are who you are and you are what you are. Simple as that. So..


Spotify: click here :


How did I get this conscious lifestyle?

Read my book : Pure Smart Stylish – a conscious lifestyle, you will be amazed about my personal story. I called it the practical life lessons bible 🙂

Pure Smart Stylish Ebook English

It’s available in English, Dutch, German, French and Spanish


Yes, Yes, Yes I want to buy this practical life lessons bible


What makes me happy?

Inspiring others to be different and authentic by my  books, music, & performance art 


Since I was young, I wanted to show people that being different is good.

In 1992  I founded my own companies Tradart interior decoration, Angelique Broers Personal Styling and later on ABPS Academy and ABPS Magazine. With these interior, image & dating consulting companies and online digital magazines, I inspired people to find their own personal lifestyle and image. By working on their inner self and projecting this into their image. I have been on TV several times, has been featured in lots of fashion magazines and newspapers.

In 2004 I started writing content. First in my newsletters for my Company Angelique Broers Personal Styling. My business was teaching employees of big companies and government, how to dress, how to behave and how to be happy with themselves but also with their jobs.

My newsletters became big and fashionable in 2008 with the first digital magazines ever made in my business with live fashion shows and lots of content to help people to find the way to shine and to be happy!

In 2014 I started to write the book in order to spread the word and to help many other people as it has been translated into 5 languages. With the book I created 12 songs to help young people with this proces. It’s called The Mystery Games. And they are special because of the hidden hz in it.


I love life, classy cars, style and freedom.


Go to the books, methods, music of Angelique















A conscious lifestyle -Pure Smart Stylish – The Book

Pure Intelligente Élégante

This new lifestyle method is based on my first book: Pure Smart Stylish – a conscious lifestyle.

It’s no diet method, no style method, it is a practical lifestyle.

A new way to look at your health and yourself that will change your life for the better in nearly every way.


Consciously or unconsciously, we’re all looking for something. For self-confidence, happiness, love, or health. “I collected the methods I used in my own quest so that you don’t have to search for them. You can start straight away in the search for your own self! These methods all have one thing in common: the answers for a self-confident attitude can always be found within. I want you to be your own guru and begin to believe in yourself so you too will become more happy with your:

  • Personality
  • Body
  • Talent
  • Appearance
  • Relationship        
  • Health                       Just as this worked for me.              BUY NOW

You are responsible for your own body, for taking care of it, as well as for your thoughts and your (love)choices! ​

  • Are you fed up waisting energy to wrong choices ?
  • Want to know how to be attractive and successful ?
  • Want to know how you can live in a healthy & spiritual way ?
  • You want to feel energetic ?

Want to start today?

My book has been printed in a high quality paperback in 4 languages: Dutch, Spanish, French and English click here

Rather want the ebook? I made it in 5 languages: Dutch, German, Spanish, French and English click here

Puur Slim Stijlvol - een bewuste lifestyle
Pure Intelligente Élégante - un mode de vie conscient
Puro Inteligente con Estilo Ebook Spanish
Pure Smart Stylish Ebook English









The book is written for women but also very nice for men to read who want to understand women in general better.

In the book I mention some songs which can help you to get more self awareness. You can listen to them on  Spotify Pure Smart Stylish songs.


    The Mystery Games

If we knew how things would end 

Where our journey would take us..

Would we still make the same decisions?

Or would we choose a different path?

Does it matter which path we choose

If we end up..  Facing ourselves again and again?


Life is a mystery and life is a game.

You only have one life, so better play it well. 


Talent  & Happiness Videos

Your own story in music and images and…. mystery.

No need to read, to study, only listening and watching.

All 12 songs have special HZ, and your personal DNA.

It’s a road to healing and happiness so why not integrating them into a fun aspect of life. Music and Film.

This hypnotizing and meditative music and imaging will help you finding your road to happiness by finding your talents and the most important in life: I am what I am.

A Special Custom Made Video Incl. 3 sessions of personal inspirational coaching cost you only: € 369,20.


Yes, I want to have my own video and discover myself and my hidden talents.


Very proud on my second album


The Album The Mystery Games part 1

I made a new album with 4 first songs of the Mystery Games. 8 more to come in 2021.

The videos’ with these songs and the music are my own reflection of my life in the past in the present and future.

You can find the album on:




the third one:


or on


Amazon, Youtube, Shazam and many more.






Shop of Angelique Broers and her conscious lifestyle shows you her books, music, art or personal song or DNA video do look!