Fashion model or Real role model?
Even though I was a fashion model many years ago, I was extremely insecure and back than, I didn’t know what the “special features” can mean to you, your talents and your spirit. How can we be unique and authentic if we continue to chase “the other” who is seemingly perfect and constantly forced upon you through various media and fashion industry, whether we like it or not. Accepting & loving yourself thus becomes increasingly difficult, because of the constant pursuit of the other only increases your own insecurity, as the current outer and inner ideal does not tolerate differences. This is frustrating, tiring and bad for your health. Drastic diets and surgery only serve to further strengthen this insecurity. We pay little attention to the impact this could have on our body and mind. Because what exactly is “beautiful, slim, perfect? These are all subjective concepts. They mean different things to different people.
Every feature, both physical and mental, has advantages and disadvantages. It’s precisely your unique set of features that makes you the ideal girlfriend, woman, colleague or business partner. And.. are people who deviate from the current beauty ideal not good enough for the outside world? Can’t they just be pure? Of course they can! And together, we women, can make this clear to the outside world. By knowing your own body and mind, accepting and appreciating it, and than by becoming a real role model.
Be unique by using your own special talents and looks. It is more than fine to be different. That does not mean being different just for the sake of being different. Instead it is being comfortable with who you are. One of the most liberating moments in life is when you come to grips with your own weaknesses and you are okay with that.
So help me keeping this world unique by being pure, smart and stylish so we will be all real role models for the next generation.
“All women deserve to be seen, especially you!”
Dutch-born Angelique Broers, better known as **DJ Lady Orange**, has been living in Andorra for 19 years. Inspired by the breathtaking landscapes and conscious lifestyle of this small but vibrant country, she first expressed her creative vision through her book *Pure Smart Stylish*. Published in five languages, the book integrates songs as affirmations, blending words and music to inspire readers towards personal growth and well-being. Since its release in 2016 in 5 languages, it has served as a foundation for her empowerment platform, **”The Path to Freedom”** (
As her passion for music grew, Angelique transitioned from author to music producer. Her music, composed using **Solfeggio frequencies**, notably the 852 Hz “Love Frequency,” aims to promote inner peace and spiritual connection. Her tracks transcend language, offering a universal message of empowerment, just as her book does.