Very proud of my newest album, part 2 of the Mystery Games. Four numbers with uptempo music as Orange types like to move 🙂 On the most famous radio stations. And buy my album on iTunes. Angelique BroersDutch-born Angelique Broers, better known as **DJ Lady Orange**, has been living in Andorra for 19 years….
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2020 review
What a year 2020 was. It is definitely one for the books. Most of us never experienced a Biological War, as we can call 2020.  It seems that we needed a year like 2020 to shake up the current status quo to create something new. This year was jam-packed with lessons that helped us learn how…
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Music album
Dj Lady Orange first album is ready – the Mystery Games in which Angelique Broers and her conscious lifestyle has paved the path for you. “I made a new album with 4 first songs of the Mystery Games. My own reflection of my life in the past, in the present and future. Of course each chapter…
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Help mijn dokter wil mij veranderen
Ik had een heel goede huisarts in BelgiĂ«, maar de afstand van Andorra is te groot naar BelgiĂ«. Dus ik heb een andere moeten zoeken want ook al genees ik mijzelf het liefst zelf, soms heb je wijze raad nodig van een huisarts. Ook nu heb ik eindelijk weer een goede huisarts. In Andorra. Maar…
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Flex Beam Recharge
The Flexbeam wonder device As I am traveling a lot and living in different countries, Â sometimes my back and neck hurt. Â I am tall, slim and a bit clumsy so I fall, hit or bump into something all the time. So I have to depend on myself by self healing. Self healing is in my…
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Yeah!! People living in even number houses are allowed today in Andorra (16-04-2020) so we have been in the open for one hour!! Stay safe and think of these words Vera sings in this video! A conscious lifestyle power thought in music !  We’ll meet again  Don’t know where, don’t know when  …
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Call for media
I have been annoyed for years by the media who think we would like to follow the lives of actors, singers, artists and influencers. You cannot open a magazine or they will be shown to us and our youth as role models. Reason for me to skip these magazines. But … the youth is brought…
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The Body
The body During this Corona Virus or Covid-19 crisis we are forced to have a better look to our body. It will grow bigger by only eating and no exercise at all, or you watch youtube videos made by these beautiful but very often very skinny models and force yourself to overexercising and having pains…
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Results of Covid 19
In 9 months we will know: Lots of cute babies or thousands of filed divorces! Living 24/7 in a small apartment or house will be a blessing for some people and a great challenge for others. Because people will especially during this  Lockdown will ask themselves: Is my relationship as good as I thought? Especially…
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Una mujer hecha a sĂ misma forjada en la escuela de la vida. Fuerte, independiente, inteligente, asumiendo sus responsabilidades…esos fueron los paralelismos que encontrĂ© al empezar a leer y los que provocaron que me imbuyera en la obra. A medida que iba avanzando, percibĂ como la autora ha sabido combinar de forma pragmática todos los…
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